Friday, July 28, 2006

Climb every mountain...

Helping with laundry Helping herself to the countertop...
Grasping for the +3 Barbecue Fork of Death
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Because it's there...

The niblet has learned to climb...a little bit too well. I was sitting at the dining room table doing some internet banking; we let her run around on the main floor pretty much unsupervised, as we have the entire level baby-proofed, or so we thought. Generally, the only trouble she can get into is recording random shows on the PVR, or "reorganizing" the spice cupboard and Tupperware drawer. Well, this time, I had that sneaking suspicion that things had suddenly gotten a bit TOO quiet. I looked over my shoulder and there she was...ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER! And if that weren't enough, she had a greasy barbecue fork in her right hand and was getting set to stand up and wave it around.

Oh great.

As it turns out, we had left the pull out steps to a step-stool flipped down in the "Please Climb Me" position and Fionna obliged. So, I extracted the fork, hauled her back down and took a few pictures (above) as she proceeded to climb back up again about six or seven times in a row. She still has little idea how to back down off stairs or high objects. Does anyone know how to teach a kid this? Yesterday, she got trapped on top of the electronic keyboard...

Friday, July 21, 2006

And more storm photos...

I guess I can't borrow the Geddes' lawnmower any, where's the top end of that 80 foot White Pine? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (insert doppler effect)
And then, the gawkers start to arrive.
Uhhhmmm...James? Have you noticed there's a tree on our house?
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Storm of the (century)...errrr...Week

My first clue that something was a bit wrong... second clue.
Fionna, we're not in Kansas any more...
We did NOT, in fact, find a pair of stripey stockinged legs sticking out from underneath.
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Sheryl, Fionna & James, Canada Day 2006

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Sign O the Times

Okay. I give in. I'm blogging. James welcomes himself to the year 2003...

Maybe as a reactionist response to having had no water, power, internet or (for awhile) phones for 5 days, my pendulum has swung the other way and I'm now going to start using this thing instead of mass emails to try to keep family and friends up to date. You know you've gotten lazy when email is too much trouble...

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