Sunday, September 24, 2006

Young Fionna Had a Farm...

We spent an afternoon at Bronte Creek's children's farm. Fionna was, in general, delighted with the animals. She's figured out how to feed rabbits and chickens. The goats (just kids) were a little too excitable for her, though. As one might expect, they jumped right out of their stall onto the railings when offered food. Eventually, they got out of the pen entirely and Dad had to go chasing them around. Caught one, didn't bother with the other (as it was getting too frightened).
Here are some of the photos:

"Hey mom! These white duckies are friendly!"

"Hey Dad? These Siamese Duckies aren't so friendly..."

"Hey Mom! These chickens are friendly!"

"...but Dad? they're loud and smell kind of funny..."

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Nudel Haus

Fionna likes to blow on her food now to cool it down

...and she likes to escape out the balcony door all the time

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