Sunday, November 05, 2006

More Hallowe'en photos

Some people say that Hallowe'en has gotten too commercial. It HAS, but it's also a great excuse to dress your kids up in keen costumes and get some awesome photos. For those who were asking, Fionna DID love her costume, and would SQUEAL in delight whenever she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She also liked to clap her hands when wearing the claw mittens.

For those who will probably ask, the dragon costume is from Old Navy, of all places. And Emily's costume is a hand-me-down from Fionna, a handmade snowsuit from Manitoulin Island here in the north.

I was stuck working the 1500-2200 shift in the ER. The ladies were nice enought to come visit me. Sheryl is dressed as a "Mom/Doctor". I am dressed as a "Dad/Doctor". Fionna is still dressed as a dragon.

Us and the Yates gang Trick-or-Treating at the Wards'. I like how Derrick is dressed in hunting orange, carrying the deer.

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